Overview & History – DPS Patiala

Delhi Public School Patiala
( Under the aegis of the DPS Society,New Delhi )


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Overview & History

The Delhi Public School Society is the central guiding force behind 147 school initiatives in and around the country, imparting quality education to millions of children. Right from its inception in 1949, the Society has been a treasure house of excellence in education. The Society is governed by a Board comprising distinguished personalities from various spheres of eminence, who have selflessly guided the society over the years to keep pace with time and helped formulate pro-active policies in the larger interest of the populace. The philosophy of quality education for all finds its roots in the very reason of the society’s being, and it has accordingly been the effort of the society to establish schools in all parts of the country to cater to the educational needs of as many children as possible. The centralized governance of people of eminence, letters and authority has helped DPS society maintain the highest standards in all it undertakes, and to keep ahead with a vision of an enlightened and well educated social order. With more and more centres emerging as a result of this education movement, DPS has become the single largest school education society in the continent, and perhaps, the entire world.

Service before Self: The Motto »

The motto of the Delhi Public School Society is a vivid reflection of the mettle and dedication that goes into the making of a noble institution, with a noble mission. It is a constant reminder that the DPS spirit always accords greater priority to the welfare of others over welfare of the self. Service towards an enlightened path has always been the bedrock of DPS philosophy; a philosophy that reflects a commitment to serve others willingly, graciously and selflessly.