Teaching Methodology – DPS Patiala

Delhi Public School Patiala
( Under the aegis of the DPS Society,New Delhi )


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Teaching Methodology


DPS Patiala is committed to inculcating competitive spirit and deep instinct to excel in academics and activities among its students. Our system of evaluation takes into account the individualities of different children to provide adequate feedback on the student's learning without putting undue pressure. As the child progresses through the classes, the assessment is gradually modified to prepare external tests and competitive exams.

Following the changes in the CBSE’s approach to switch from the CCE methodology to the Uniform System of Assessment for its students from Academic Year 2017-18 onwards, the school has also now adopted the same for classes IV onwards.

The uniformity in the system of assessment and examination for classes IX and X is also according to the norms set by the CBSE. To increase the confidence in the students and in a better academic preparation, the new 2-term examination pattern is being implemented right from the Classes IV onwards. Thus, the assessment structure for classes IV to VIII will comprise of 2 terms, each term having a 20 marks Periodic Assessment and 80 marks written examination. For a holistic development, Co-Scholastic Activities would Subject Enrichment Activities, with the activities aimed at enhancing the understanding and skills of the students. Work Education – referring to skill-based activities along with Art Education, Health and Physical Education would continue to play a vital role in the academic journey of the students. The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork would be the generic criteria for grading.

With restoration of class X Board examination from 2017-18 , class IX & X will have a similar academic approach, with the year-end annual examination. In these classes also, 20 marks will be based on the performance of students in the Periodic Tests and other internal factors, while 80 marks would be subject to the students’ performance in the boards.